Representation of Portage Mutual
Portage Mutual Insurance Company. A general overview.
Effective January 1, 2023, Duliban Insurance Brokers Ltd will no longer be representing Portage La Prairie Mutual Insurance Company, we will be replacing your expiring Portage Mutual policy with that of coverage from the best of a carefully selected group Insurers effective your next renewal date in 2023. This decision was not taken lightly. It was made because of a comprehensive review products, premium competitiveness, and the Insurer’s ability to assist in providing the level of Hometown Service that we expect for our valued clients. We believe that this change is in your best interest, and you will be satisfied with the terms provided by the alternate insurer.
Message from Adam and Jason
As a third-generation family business founded by our grandfather, the foundation of our business has always been to place the interests of our valued clients above our own, to never take your loyalty for granted, and to provide the best possible Hometown Broker experience.
We pledge to support you in times of need, 24/7 365 days every year. As of January 1st, 2023, our Office will no longer be representing Portage Mutual Insurance Company. It is our belief this change is in your best interest, and we remain 100% confident in our ability to place coverage at the same or better terms for coverage and premium with another insurer.
How this effects your policy
We will be replacing your Portage Insurance policy within a carefully selected group of top-rated insurers. We have represented these insurers for many years, and we can confidently recommend each of them for providing competitive premiums along with fast and fair claims service. Each Insurer has agreed to continue all existing discounts and previous underwriting concessions. A replacement policy will be automatically issued by the new insurer. To facilitate the transition, we will provide all necessary underwriting and policy information from the existing policy to the new insurer, along with necessary banking and credit information to ensure the best rating is applied. If you have any concerns on this process or require any clarification, we remain available at any time to discuss.
Special Underwriting Arrangements Heartland, Economical and CAA
To provide continuous protection for our valued clients, Duliban Insurance Brokers has negotiated special arrangements with Heartland Farm Mutual, Economical Insurance Company and CAA insurance Company.
We have represented each of these insurance companies for many years, and each has a well-deserved reputation for providing fast, fair claims service along with competitive premiums. All existing discounts and underwriting exceptions from your Portage Mutual policy will be carried forward and included in the replacement coverage.
Would you like an individual review of your policy? Please fill out the form below.
We would be pleased to complete an individual policy review with you and obtain quotations from each of our contracted insurers. Please complete the form below to book a meeting time with an insurance professional at a time that works best for you.
Would you like to remain with Portage Mutual? Please fill out the form below.
As a Portage Mutual policy holder, you have the right to remain insured with Portage Mutual through another Broker if you choose to do so. The contact number for Portage Mutual is (905) 937-0100. If you would like us to assist in these arrangements and support, please complete this form.
Compensation Details
Heartland Farm Mutual Insurance Company, Economical Mutual Insurance Company, and CAA Insurance Company have each agreed to provide Duliban Insurance Brokers Ltd. with small additional compensation which is intended to assist in the cost of this replacement process. This is not a factor in our selection of a replacement insurer for your policy in any way.
We want to emphasize that this additional payment to Duliban Insurance Brokers is not a factor in our selection of a replacement insurer for your policy, as we will never place our interests above those of our clients. Our choice of replacement insurers is based only on providing the best possible outcome for our clients. View our compensation details in below link: